HPE zieht den Stecker seiner Open-SDN-Suite
Hewlett Packard Enterprise hat still und heimlich seine Open-SDN-Suite eingestampft. Das geht aus einem internen Memo hervor, das dem britischen Portal The Register vorliegt.

Die Open-SDN-Suite von Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) ist Geschichte. Einem internen Memo zufolge hat HPE seine Mitarbeiter angewiesen, sämtliche Demos und Proof-of-Concept-Installationen der Suite abzustellen, wie The Register berichtet.
Die HPE-Mitarbeiter sollten den Schritt zudem geheim halten. Kunden und Partnern, die nach den Gründen fragen würden, sollen sie mitteilen, dass HPE die Entwicklung von Open-SDN eingestellt habe.
Kompletter Rückzug aus SDN-Markt auf Telko-Ebene
Das Memo kam laut The Register von Sarwar Raza, Vice President Product Management, und Jacques Rames, Worldwide Global Industries Communications. Sie begründeten den Schritt mit finanziellen Überlegungen.
Raza und Rames schrieben ausserdem, dass sich HPE komplett aus dem SDN-Markt auf der Telko-Ebene zurückziehe. "HPE wird nicht länger SDN-Lösungen für Telkos und Service Provider anbieten".
Alternative: HPE Distributed Cloud Networking
Man solle die Entscheidung allerdings nicht als Schritt weg von offenen Plattformen verstehen.
Als mögliche Alternativen schlagen Raza und Rames das HPE Distributed Cloud Networking vor. Die Produkte dieser Sparte seien allerdings kein perfekter Ersatz. Die Open-SDN-Produktseite ist derweil noch online.
The Register bat HPE um eine Stellungnahme. Eine Unternehmenssprecherin versprach, dass sich jemand bei The Register melden werde. Das sei bisher nicht passiert.
Update: HPE Schweiz liess den Bericht vom Pressebüro EMEA kommentieren (auf Englisch):
HPE has discontinued development of OpenSDN and offers partner solutions in its place. We continue to invest and participate in relevant open source efforts to provide industry leadership and acceptance. Our mission has always been to be partner-centric and provide customers with choice and open systems. We continue on that path.
Der vollständige Wortlaut des orignalen Memos von Raza und Rames auf Englisch:
Sarwar Raza VP Product Management, Communications Solutions Business Jacques Rames WW Global Industries Communications, Media and Entertainment SDN/NFV Sales
HPE is advising our sales teams of the End of Sale of the HPE OpenSDN family of solutions, effective immediately. This includes HPE OpenSDN 1.0 Data Center Networking Controller, HPE OpenSDN SD-VPN solution and the HPE OpenSDN SFC solution. Product and service SKUs from these product families are no longer available for order or fulfillment. There are no follow-on releases planned for HPE OpenSDN solutions.
Why this notification?
HPE will no longer offer a native telco/service provider SDN solution. We will rely on partners for this capability instead. This decision is made in light of business and financial considerations.
Will there be an external announcement?
HPE is not planning any external announcement regarding this change. Communication with affected customers will be coordinated via Account Teams.
What do we tell industry media and analysts?
Direct questions to Julia Ochinero.
What do we tell customers?
Do not offer any proactive statements to customers. If asked, please share that HPE has discontinued development of HPE OpenSDN and now offers partner solutions in its place. All customer communication must be coordinated via Account Teams.
What do we tell partners?
The Worldwide Partner Team is notifying affected partners. All current partner integration activities with HPE OpenSDN will be stopped. If asked, please share that HPE has discontinued development of HPE OpenSDN.
What alternatives are available?
Alternative options to HPE OpenSDN include the HPE Distributed Cloud Networking (DCN) products from DCIG Networking. Please note that these products are not perfect substitutes for each other, so you may have to requalify open opportunities based on DCN features.
My customer is currently running a demo or POC. What are the next steps in light of this advisory?
All OpenSDN specific POC/Demos will need to be wound down in coordination with the Account Team. We are in the final stages of finalizing and submitting binding bids that include OpenSDN solutions.
What are our options?
All current POCs are being reviewed to understand if they are strategic and if we have the opportunity to transfer to a partner to continue the engagement. All OpenSDN specific POC/Demos will need to be wound down in coordination with the Account Team.
My customer requires an open source based or lightweight SDN solution. What are my options?
Please refer any such opportunities to Product Management for review in order to determine if any part of our OpenSDN expertise is leverage-able as a potential services offering. Note however that there is no continued product offering in this space.
Does this signal a move away from Open Source solutions?
HPE continues to lead the OPNFV open source NFV community and has made significant contributions to major open source projects over the last several years. Our decision is not based on merits or otherwise of open source vs proprietary solutions. HPE continues to support open, standards based solutions as well as best of breed partner solutions depending on specific customer needs.
We may need someone from Worldwide Product/Sales/Management to meet with key customers to explain this decision. Who can assist?
Please contact Jacques (WW CME NFV/SDN) or Sarwar (WW Product Management) for any executive escalations or meeting requests.
Our customer may require a written explanation of our decision. Where can I obtain this?
Do not forward or re-purpose any part of internal communications for customers. Contact Sarwar if you need a customer-specific statement.

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